slight reminder
here are some old lessons that i think i just really forgot about, but have resurfaced in the past few weeks…or it could’ve been days, but time is a construct so boop. anyways, i’ll share them now.
worry is the thief of joy (or something like that)…i think it's actually comparison 😂. point is still valid tho
staying happy/joyous through “it” severely impacts how i get through it. keeping my head high & focusing on the good possible outcomes & practicing the mantra “i’m open to receiving” have definitely cut my bad days a lil shorter.
breathing & being still sincerely helps my anxiety, it gives my mind a break while my body connects to God, ancestors & universe to tell me what’s really good.
3a. meditating and allowing my body to tell me what i need has CHANGED THE GAME. who knew my body had so much to say that isn’t purely sexual? from chakras to stones, it has opened my world to a whole new level of understanding myself. i like to think i've always been intuitive & self aware, but learning to trust my body to tell me what’s needed has been a major blessing. if you need a playlist or any help at all hit me up!! jk, that’s complicated, just click here or here if you don’t have apple music. this album, y’all. amazing!! just chefs kiss! it’s so different from the typical sounds that you find online & offers new mantras of encouragement as well.
let people be there for you. people, usually, want to be there for you…but we (aka i) have a superwoman mentality that makes me tell all help, “nah, i got it.” lol, i think it’s just an easy lie that a lot peeps will just let happen and go on about their day. but those peeps that push you to talk or just listen/wait for you to open up are SO important if you let them be. i almost superwomaned my way through a pms panic attack, but i let my tribe build me up & i was gucci!
these are just a few things that i’ve ran into over the past couple quarantine weeks. i hope this helps you to relax & breathe as we survive this the best way we know how.