yallllllllllllllll! i did it! i gotta job, i’m able to participate & help myself again 😭
well writing that made me a lil sad that i, genuinely, felt like i couldn’t participate in my life. i couldn’t afford to. it was all so other worldly. almost like i was watching it on the netflix chile. i think i still feel like that, just detached.
i’m trying new and old ways of grounding so that i can be more present. i’m enjoying making lil lists of what i’ve been doing too soooooooo:
walking with friends
actually sharing deep emotions with tribe
vinyl records
sitting outside
meditation playlists
cleaning only so i can lay on my floor
watching something from disney
there’s prolly some others, but that’s all that’s in my head rn. it’s just a lot of living to see to what happens next & trying not to overthink the next breath.